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Current Projects:

Aquaponic Systems

Every 48 seconds, someone is dying of hunger in Africa. The need for food year round in the most difficult regions to grow food is so great. We believe we can help.

Sports & Community Activities

Our flagship project, sports equipment and facilities/courts will provide hundreds of kids the ability to learn leadership skills.

Sports also gives families and entire communities a common purpose to rally around with excitement and pride - and hope.

Food Insecurity

Africa is seeing one of the largest food shortages in the world, with over 10,000 children a day dying from hunger. Malnutriution is at an all-time high in many regions, and continues to increase.

One bag of rice, training in agriculture, or access to cooking oil can change the future of the family.

Grain Grinders

Farming is a key occupation in West Africa, but Grain Grinders are a difficult find for farmers. Manually grinding or hunting for another community's grain grinder can result in wasted time and spoiled crop. Together, we can change that.

One grinder costs $1,500 to purchase, and any lesser amount will be pooled together with others to make the purchase of one possible.


Business-saavy minds are everywhere, but many in West Africa are limited to resources and funding to get off the ground.

Not only do we help fund their kickoff, but we connect them with trainers across the world in their field to lead them to success in their work and growth in their local economy.